Thursday, August 03, 2006

Court Rant part II

Went to the bond hearing yesterday only to find that in the governments ultimate sense of fair play they moved my client from a pre-detention center in Tennessee to one in Louisiana and somehow forgot to tell me or his family. Seems fair to me. Seems like he is being provided access to legal counsel except counsel doesn't have a clue where he is.

Remember that all those "technicalities" that people get out of jail on are really violations of someone's civil rights and the U.S. Constitution. No big deal unless it happens to be you. And before someone starts to say that what about the victims rights etc, etc. SURPRISE - our system is based on the idea that there are rules and the government must follow them. The penalty is to dismiss the case. A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Do guilty people go free - sure all the time, but how many innocent people go to jail. A hell of a lot more than you might think. The most concrete example is those being freed from death row after DNA testing PROVES they could not have done it. THANK YOU INNOCENCE PROJECT.

I have great sympathy for victims of crime, but the harm has been done and cannot be taken back. In the rush for justice/revenge we, as a society, do not need to create another victim.

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